Introduction and Setup

In this video we will go over some quick tips and suggestions before you begin training your dog as well as a few things to keep in mind when training your dog.



In this video we cover how to teach your dog to sit on command as well as how to teach them to stay in that sit command.



In this video we will go over how to teach your dog to lay down and stay there. We also briefly go over a command called OFF that will replace the word “down” when telling our dogs to get off of us or the couch.


5 Things You Need To Do With Your Puppy

Today we’ll be going over 5 things you need to do when you bring home your new puppy.


Puppy Potty Training, Toys, and Teaching Their Name!

The top most requested information for puppies is here for you all in one video! Learn how to potty train your puppy, proper toys, and teach them their new name.


Choosing the Right Dog Breed

Choosing the right dog breed for your lifestyle is vital to owning a dog. In this video we will go over 4 key things to consider when getting a dog. Remember you want to get a dog based on their personality and energy; NOT their looks.