All the facts you need to know about E-Collars

Discrediting the myths surrounding the highly versatile electronic collar

E-collars, electronic collars, shock collars

At Premier Dog Training we know there is a lot of misinformation and stigmas attached to e-collars. First and foremost here at Premier Dog Training we never use e-collars to abuse dogs; our use of the e-collar is a very positive and mild event for both you and your pup.

“E-collars are humiliating and shatter a dogs confidence”

Wrong! E-collars are frequently used to boost a dog’s confidence and give anxious dogs ease of mind. Once proper training is complete a dog will look to their owner to give them direction through the e-collar; taking away the burden of decision making off of your dog’s shoulders.


“E-collars are painful and will hurt my dog”

Again, not true. A good e-collar has a wide range of intensity to fit every dog’s need, which is why we exclusively use Dogtra e-collars. Most people think that e-collars deliver a shock of electricity similar to a taser, this is far from the truth. E-collars simply stimulate the muscle to contract and that’s it, it is similar to a tens unit that a chiropractor uses in his office.


“There is no positive reinforcement with e-collar training”

Once again this is incorrect! Every time we give a dog a command with the e-collar and they do it correctly we give them high praise and lots of love. We know you love your pets just as much as we do, and we will give them so much love and praise as we do our own dogs. We train dogs because we love them and want to help them be the best that they can be.


“E-collars make dogs aggressive.”

Quite the opposite actually, we use e-collars to correct aggressive behaviors and to teach the dog to trust their owner to know when they are in a dangerous situation. During my time as a trainer I’ve never seen a dog become aggressive because of the training I give. There have been many dogs that went from human aggressive or dog aggressive to very social dogs by the end of the training. E-collars are safe and effective for all temperaments.